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Launching the Decade in Worship

Join us on a "Worship Cruise"!

Aloha once again from the Big Island of Hawaii!

Here we go into a new decade, and what a beginning it has already been! Kathy and I watched as thousands of worshipers gathered in Atlanta, Georgia to inaugurate 2020 with honor and praise first going to our awesome King and Creator! At the beginnings of our ministry in the early 70’s, we were blessed to be a part of the “The Jesus Movement”, and have for years been asking God to do it again……and as usual…..He is so faithful! As you know, we travel the globe leading worship and mentoring future worship leaders, and we are overwhelmed with the massive army of passionate believers rising up to exalt the Name that is above every name! What a beautiful Name it is, Jesus, our Savior, our Redeemer, our Lord and our Constant Companion!! We are truly living in amazing days of grace, and while it is obvious that darkness continues to threaten, it is also certain that the Light is never intimidated!! In this spiritual battle the ultimate Truth is, The Light of the World has already conquered the Prince of Darkness!! IT IS FINISHED!

This coming decade holds so many exciting adventures for all of us as we step into our destiny and bring great glory to God. With this in mind, we’d like to share with you a couple of projects that we are working on this year, and in fact invite you to be a part of them.

After completing my latest recording project, ABUNDANT, this time last year, God clearly directed me to being working on writing a book (working title, “Take My Healing To The Nations”). I’ve been considering this for many years and believe that now is the time to record in writing some of the amazing stories of God’s healing grace that have taken place all over the world since Kathy and I began leading worship some 40 years ago. In fact, if you have stories of miracles and healings that took place during times of worship we shared with you, please send them to us through my website <>. We’d love to include your stories of praise to God in the book. This project is one way we can continue the pleasure of multiplying worshipers around the globe, by recording in a book form stories of God’s healing worship around the globe.

The goal for completion and presentation of the book is the other exciting project we are taking part in, and that is a “Worship Cruise” to Alaska with Don Moen, Lenny LeBlanc and Paul Baloche in August of this year. We are thrilled to be invited to be a part of this time of worship with some of our long time friends and co-laborers in worship, and would love to have you come and join us as well! We will be enjoying God’s creation while giving praise to Him for such amazing handiwork. As mentioned, our goal is to have the new book available on the cruise, so come join us and let’s kick off the next decade in worship together, knowing that the sound of God’s Glory is covering the globe as never before, and that our most profound days of honoring The Savior are truly ahead of us!

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